6 Already Practical Uses of AI Generation (in 2023)

New translation pipelines, generic business emails, faster rapid prototyping… and even a new way to make Vtuber models. It seems like AI has an effect on everything. The development of AI Generation software is moving fast – far too fast for any single person to truly keep track of. At the cutting edge, people areContinue reading “6 Already Practical Uses of AI Generation (in 2023)”

The Source of Creativity in the AI Generation Era

When it comes to the history books, 2023 will likely be remembered as the Year of AI. Well, “AI” is an old term, but it’s back in the public eye with a new-ish meaning, referring to the latest version of it: AI generators. It’s been on the horizon for several years now, but it wasContinue reading “The Source of Creativity in the AI Generation Era”

A side-by-side look at AI-Translation: Chapters 1 & 2 of Around the World in 80 Days

I originally hid this in the second half of a prior post, but figured it might be better with different formatting and a side-by-side of only the original 1873 translation and mine, without the French. I’ve also included Chapter 2. Summary ChatGPT was made available to the public in November 2022, and one of theContinue reading “A side-by-side look at AI-Translation: Chapters 1 & 2 of Around the World in 80 Days”

Studying ChatGPT’s multilingual ability

The selling point of ChatGPT is that it generates extremely natural English text, but the idea that ChatGPT can take any input and generate natural English – and effectively, translate – originally came from my Twitter feed. See, a good chunk of my current online presence is as a Vtuber – one of the first,Continue reading “Studying ChatGPT’s multilingual ability”

I Translated a Novel with ChatGPT, and the Results Astounded Me

In the tail end of 2022, two major releases in the field of deep learning AI kicked off a snowball effect that, even now, is transforming the online world at a rate that no single person can perceive. Stable Diffusion – an AI Art generator, was released to the public with an open source; andContinue reading “I Translated a Novel with ChatGPT, and the Results Astounded Me”

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